Lead Hero Success Stories

Total Turnover
Best Monthly Turnover
Sold Leads
Lead Customers
What is Mauertrocknung.de?
Mauertrocknung.de is a platform that generates and sells leads to companies in the construction industry - more specific in the field of waterproofing. At this point the platform generates around 1,000 leads per month and sells these to over 250 companies in Germany and Austria. Plans are in place to internationalize to Switzerland, England, Italy and France soon.
How was the platform built up to this point?
It started in a very easy and simple way. 1. A landing page was built with a funnel (questionnaire) to engage the website visitors and to increase conversions. 2. After that, first companies were won in one city to buy the first incoming leads. 3. In a next step the marketing campaigns started - in this setup Google Ads - to drive traffic to the landing page and with this to generate leads. 4. After a quick qualification call the leads were offered to the partner businesses for purchasing the contact details. 5. After fine tuning the process in the first city, sales and marketing has been extended to all major cities in Germany. From that point on the gaps in between these cities were filled up. After the structure has been established in whole Germany that platform was internationalized to Austria.
How much time and workload did it take to build it?
The amazing thing about this business model is, that (if done in the right way) you will be profitable in the first month. The platform Mauertrocknung.de for example spent ca. 1,000€ in the first month of business and generated a turnover of almost 4,000€. At this point of time this business, as stated above, generates up to >70k€ per month - with only one full-time employee to handle all the tasks. With this, it is now a passive income stream for the founder of the platform.
But to be fully transparent here: No business in the world is successful with no effort. In the startup- and early scaling phase it is important that you as the entrepreneur(s) get the ball rolling. You and your partner(s) have to be the ones that understand the lead- and the business side. You (and/or you partners) have to be the ones that know how to generate the leads and win the businesses. After these important first steps, the business operations can be handed over to freelancers or employees.
Business Modell
The Booster: Every lead can be sold to up to three businesses.

Profitable From The First Month Onwards
As stated above, the lead selling platform Mauertrocknung.de was profitable within its first month of business. From this point on it was scaled up to a monthly turnover of over 70k €. In total 1.4 Mio.€ was generated. Now the business runs as an almost fully passive income stream with only one employee.
Success Is Not Only Money
Yes of course, money is important. But it only flows, when there are happy clients. The degree of happiness can be measures by its online reviews. Up to this point the Google Rating of the platform states 149 rating with a total of 4,8 out of 5 stars. This shows the power of the Lead Hero business model.
More Case Studies On How To Scale Your Lead Gen Business

ZFA-Traumjob.de is a lead selling platform in the field of social recruiting. The team generates and connects dental assistants (so called ZFAs) to dentists and dental clinics. Until this point the team generated over 2,000 applications and connected these to the 200 dentists they work with.

Premium-Businesscoaches.com is a Lead Hero platform, which generates and sells B2B leads (businesses), to coaches that fit their needs. Due to the high amount of coaches in the German market theses days, it is not easy to find good and perfectly fitting coaches for each problem. To solve this issue Premium-Businesscoaches.com was launched.